27 March 2008

another miracle. and a really good time.

I managed to have a paper to present at pcaaca! And we had a phenomenal week. Brooke and I got there on Tuesday to eat sushi, make ourselves look dumb about coffee pots, watch American Idol, and write our papers. Sarah, Bethany and Kati joined us the next day. We had a great time walking around the city, getting blasted again for our papers, and hanging out with Cutchins and his adorable wife. Some photo highlighs:

Me, Brooke and Sarah at the Italian Restaurant for the BYU dinner.

San Fran in the park by the hotel. Gorgeous. We had beautiful weather the whole week.


Alexis said...

Did you guys really get blasted for your papers? I don't believe it. Was that one cranky old lady there again? haha...
What sections did you present in? I was thinking about what I would want to present in next year. I want to go to New Orleans! I still want to hear more details about Cutchins in the hot tub.

Anna B said...

It was actually Dennis Perry and Carl Seiderholm. I'll have to email you the story!