30 March 2008

critical theory

fills my soul with bitterness.

28 March 2008

thoughts about grad school

To copy a previous post on Alexis's blog.

1. How does a person choose a secondary field? How do I know if I like a field because I like a field, or that I like a field because I like the professor who taught it?

2. What if gradschool/academics isn't my cup o' tea? Will that be clear at some point? Do I want to spend the rest of my life researching and teaching? If I don't, what do I want to do?

3. How does a person know if they want to teach at a research-ish school or a small liberal arts school? I've never been to a small liberal arts college. Maybe I would like it.

4. How does one go about publishing?

5. How are people so productive?

6. I like grad school. And I like the idea of studying and reading and writing all the time.

7. I love the south in the spring. Months of perfect 70-80 degree weather. Wow.

8. I'm happy. I also feel like I don't remember how to think or how to make arguments. I don't know the rules of the game anymore. What kind of arguments am I allowed to make? Or, what kind of arguments are makable? When did I forget that?

27 March 2008

another miracle. and a really good time.

I managed to have a paper to present at pcaaca! And we had a phenomenal week. Brooke and I got there on Tuesday to eat sushi, make ourselves look dumb about coffee pots, watch American Idol, and write our papers. Sarah, Bethany and Kati joined us the next day. We had a great time walking around the city, getting blasted again for our papers, and hanging out with Cutchins and his adorable wife. Some photo highlighs:

Me, Brooke and Sarah at the Italian Restaurant for the BYU dinner.

San Fran in the park by the hotel. Gorgeous. We had beautiful weather the whole week.

14 March 2008

a miracle

while unloading my groceries i managed to spray sprite zero all over my pants, the bushes and the side of my car. that takes something special.

08 March 2008

teaching over the last week

We've been working on object analysis and things are going pretty well, actually. We started the paper on Wednesday and worked thesis statements on Friday. Friday's class went particularly well in my first period. We used one of the girls' object and observations of that object to come up with arguments about that object. I think they really began to see the social constructions behind things that they taked for granted. They really caught on to the idea of socially constructed gender norms. We talked about my brother being in Africa and the huge difference between what is "ok" in terms of physical affection between heterosexual people of the same gender in Africa and what is "ok" here. Anyhow, I'm happy with how that went. My 11:15 class was a little less into it and they're having a tough time getting beyond observations. We'll see how they do over the break.

Spring break here I come!

don't even worry

I have a plan. And it is to kick some USC trash! Go team.

This, of course, means changing some unproductive although gripping habits. No prob. Will do. Consider it kicked.

05 March 2008

i feel like a failure

in so many ways. the great thing about this blog is that no one reads it. because i never post. so i can write whatever i want. my academic life is falling apart. i don't even know if it is what i want. or what i want. and i'm lazy. and i heard some great news today that made me feel absolutely worthless. i mean, what's wrong with me? what don't i have as a student? so depressing.