21 April 2008

operation crave

welcome to operation help anna's body crave fruits and vegetables (code name: operation crave). our task, as you might have guessed, is to see if we can't make me want to eat fruits and veggies. this isn't to say that i NEVER crave these things. i just more often than not crave icecream or hamburgers or tater tots (arguably, yes, a veggie--but for the purpose of operation habcfv we're striking it off the list). is this possible? i think so. i seem to remember randomly craving apples all the time at one point. a truly psychidelic moment in my life. i want to get back there. so, GO TEAM.

in pursuit of our goal, i'm working on baby carrots. we're bringing these to school and are not letting me buy anything to eat. this is a good place to start i think. carrots have that satisfying crunch and the weird orange color (weird being a good thing in this case--and good thing in most cases, i think). so far so good today. i ate carrots on my way back to class after swimming.

i'll keep you on top of any developments.

18 April 2008

wildlife cont.

I totally saw a big wild turtle today crossing the road as I was driving to school. Did he walk all the way to the middle of a residential neighborhood? Talk about the incredible journey. CRAZY!

15 April 2008

reasons to live

We have wild turtles here in SC!! Not even kidding. I was walking around my neighborhood the other day and there was a tiny turtle just chilling in the road. And my roommate, Aimee, says that sometimes she has to stop her car and move big ones out of the road so that she doesn't hit them. Who even knew wild turtles were an option?? How do they survive? Wild turtles!!! I knew that I was meant to come to SC.

11 April 2008

the world

is out of control! upsidedown! gradschools aren't begging the MOST brilliant people to join their programs! a perfectly normal person who will remain unnamed is suddenly obssessive naziperson! michael johns got KICKED OFF of American Idol! Seriously, world? Seriously???

04 April 2008


This blog started as a place to post about my Wales SA trip (which was phenomenal). It has slowly evolved to be a place to think and write about all the silliness, anxiety and ridiculousness that comes with being in grad school and potentially facing up to life sometime. Which brings me to changes: because my blog has evolved, I started thinking that I ought to change my blog title from Cymru am Byth to something more appropriate. I even went to the settings place and stared at my title, poised to type something new and pithy. But it made me too sad (this seems to be a common theme with me and change). I love Welsh. And I love Wales. And it occurred to me that Wales Forever is totally appropriate. Wales is the underdog of the UK. But they're feisty. And they keep coming. And they're kind of random. They've got that great flag. Cymru am Byth it is.

Also, I couldn't come up with anything pithy.

03 April 2008

cracks me up

So, I'm writing a paper (shocker) which I have saved in my computer as "dang paper." Every time that I save it the save bar on microsoft office says "word is saving dang paper" as the little work bar fills. It makes my computer sound crochety and cracks me up everytime I push "crtl s." Loving it!